Join us for our Live Online Healing Session with Chung Fu
on Saturday 31st August 2024 at 8pm (GMT) - by Donation
Empower yourself and re-connect to your Soul and Higher Self Presence through our transformational courses and products given through Spirit guidance.
Do you have a strong desire to serve Humanity by becoming your most authentic empowered self with the courage and honesty to own, love and integrate your shadow into the Light of your Higher Self?
While acknowledging the significance of concepts such as Ascension and 'out-of-body' experiences, what about 'descending', being present and fully arriving into our bodies?
Bringing Higher Self right into the body is not a path for the faint-hearted. It requires us to be willing to meet, own and clear the content so often blocking our channels of authentic expression.
If you are here it is likely that you already find yourself on this path...and know both its challenges and rewards! And you will also know the value of companionship and community in these 'interesting times' we are living in! These times are calling so many of us forward to share our gifts and offerings, to make a difference and to help transform our world and society.
If you are experiencing a powerful passionate urge to make a positive difference and contribute from your heart...or to simply BE more of yourself (the greatest contribution we can make)...Then you are in the right place at the right time in the right company.
Chung Fu, and the many ascended Beings who are gathering and working together, are facilitating exquisite soul experiences where you can attain and deepen your connection with your Higher Self. From within this state of deep connection, combined with a humble acknowledgement of your beautifully vulnerable divine humanity and the places of pain and joy therein, there is no limit to how you can truly change the way you feel on the inside.
To be fully present here and now, we are all being called to bring our shadow out of the dark, to own it and to embrace it with our deepest Love....so that we can be integrated and whole again.
As a family and community based in Glastonbury, UK, we have been guided by Chung Fu and the many spirit guides who journey with us to bring our Love to the table! It is our heartfelt vision and an honour to bring this love forward and to be part of this feast of Awakening and quickening...to serve the empowerment and enhancement of all life...and to support You to tap into the huge wealth of Joy and Peace within that is yours already and to make the shifts that enable you to consistently feel this!
Our spiritual work is grounded in emotional literacy and opening, including shadow work, and integrates the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual dimensions of our being.
We are committed to creating deep held safe space for dynamic transformation work in the heart and soul where you can be witnessed and understood deeply, emotionally and spiritually beyond the surface masks.
We all need each other in this great and humbling work...
Stay tuned and if you feel drawn, join us and Chung Fu to deepen your inner guidance and practice these simple values and teachings in your daily life.
Chung Fu
Chung Fu is an ascended being who has been bringing his teachings through to humanity for at least the last 50 years. He chose his name from the I Ching, Hexagram 61, meaning Inner Truth or Good Faith.
Chung Fu has been speaking through Sally Pullinger for over 46 years.
The thread of Inner Truth that runs throughout the teachings of Chung Fu, can also be followed as it runs through the teachings of many ascended beings through many mediums and channels at this time. Inner Truth is just that, truth that comes from ‘within’, from within the Universe of Light that pre-exists the physical universe. Within the teachings of Chung Fu, there is as much wisdom in the ‘dark’ as in the ‘light’.
Chung Fu brings us a message of constant hope and positive potential. Within this hope and positivity he entirely embraces the despair and negativity that manifests within the duality of our human consciousness, teaching us how to love each other and ourselves with an ever more compassionate and inclusive embrace. As life unfolds and we work with these principles, we find that everything makes total sense, so long as we surrender to its deep connection inside our souls, so long as we understand that there is an aspect of us, our higher self, that is pure light, and is ever shining upon us from within, showing us where our human selves need to grow.
The practices brought forward by Chung Fu are in many senses familiar, and very ancient. We remember them from deep within. And we are encouraged to bring them into a very simple and accessible method, to practice them daily, to bring them right into our very ordinary lives, to breathe them, to become a new kind of person in a world which really needs us all to change from within.
Who We Are
The Chung Fu Crew
Sally Pullinger
Sally Pullinger lives with her family in Glastonbury, Somerset, England. She has been channelling Chung Fu for 46 years. For the last twenty years she has been running spiritual self-development groups and Chung Fu, who has always been her dearly beloved teacher, has become the very heart and soul of her daily life.
Sally is also a passionate and talented musician, running a choir, a Goddess rock band called Divine Roots and has an extensive collection of original compositions and chants to her name. She is one of the most colorful individuals you are likely to meet!
Sophie Pullinger
Sophie, Sally’s daughter, is a mother of two and has lived most of her life receiving the teachings of Chung Fu. She is a deep soul therapist and counsellor working closely with Chung Fu. Sophie channels her guides in many different ways, working especially with sacred sounds and creating heart-held space for emotional self-exploration and personal transformation.
Sophie loves people and is passionate about this deep work of empowerment - she is a good ally to have in those hard to reach soul places.
Jerome O'Connell
Jerome aka 'J Rokka' is Sally’s youngest son. He has developed with Chung Fu for the last nineteen years. Jerome has remarkable musical and healing gifts which he brings to our work together, particularly in the creation of meditation and journey Cd's for spiritual self-development.
Jerome is also a music composer and producer, quickly becoming known for his truly uplifting and inspiring music. He runs his own recording studio.
Enjoy Chung Fu's teachings on YouTube!
A small collection of our Cds and Audio Downloads -
Many samples are included for you to listen to...
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